Tuesday 17 May 2016

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This proposition contains the entire essential content of American progressive education. To advocate that government be a certain way, without the willingness to pay the price to make it that certain way, is to worship at the altar of socialism. Until you get the pattern, it seems mysterious that there's no getting away from it. I will not cease from Mental Fight, Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand: Till we have built Jerusalem, In England's green and pleasant land. The criteria of judgment owe everything to neo-puritan spiritual hygiene, and nothing whatsoever to testable reality. In particular, and emphatically, it testifies to the illicit truism that people are more excited and animated by their differences than by their commonalities, ‘clinging bitterly' - or at least tenaciously - to their non-uniformity, and obstinately resisting the universal categories of enlightened population management. Contradictions demand resolution, but cracks can continue to widen, deepen, and spread. That which it is impossible to think must necessarily be embraced through faith. Do my homework for money or for li Rather, what happens is this: instead of a king and a nobility who regard the country as their private property, a temporary and interchangeable caretaker is put in monopolistic charge of the country. In comparison to this ideological super-plague, the vestigial monotheism derided in The God Delusion would figure as nothing worse than a moderately unpleasant head cold. Democracy, which both in theory and evident historical fact accentuates time-preference to the point of convulsive feeding-frenzy, is thus as close to a precise negation of civilization as anything could be, short of instantaneous social collapse into murderous barbarism or zombie apocalypse (which it eventually leads to). When someone forces us to think about it, we react with fury. The media focuses our attention at Civil War reenactors and pick-up trucks with Confederate flags flying on them. Don't argue, flee. Very few of these will be widely publicized, or seized upon as educational, exemplary, and representative. This system of substitutions functions so smoothly that it provides an entire vocabulary of (bipartisan) ‘code-words' or ‘dog-whistles' - ‘welfare', ‘freedom of association', ‘states rights' - ensuring that any intelligible utterance on the Principal (left-right) Political Dimension occupies a double registry, semi-saturated by racial evocations. By forging a revolutionary communist politics of broad application, almost entirely divorced from the mature material conditions or advanced social contradictions that had been previously anticipated, Lenin demonstrated that dialectical tension coincided, exhaustively, with its politicization (and that all reference to a ‘dialectics of nature' is no more than retrospective subordination of the scientific domain to a political model). It is extremely convenient, when constructing ever more nakedly corporatist or ‘third position' structures of state-directed pseudo-capitalism, to be able to divert attention to angry expressions of white racial paranoia, especially when these are ornamented by clumsily modified nazi insignia, horned helmets, Leni Riefenstahl aesthetics, and slogans borrowed freely from Mein Kampf. It is a structural inevitability that the libertarian voice is drowned out in democracy, and according to Lind it should be. These lucky cities of the western Pacific Rim are typified by geographical locations and demographic profiles that conspicuously echo the embarrassingly well-behaved ‘model minorities' of Occidental countries. Because inbreeding systematically contra-indicates for modern power, racial Übermenschen make no real sense. It's time to bring this long digression to a conclusion, by reaching out impatiently towards the end.

On that topic there is near unanimity. Anarcho-capitalist utopias can never condense out of science fiction, divided powers flow back together like a shattered Terminator, and constitutions have exactly as much real authority as a sovereign interpretative power allows them to have. There is no longer any need for residents (clients) to take any interest in politics whatsoever. Moldbug identifies with Dawkins' Darwinism, with his intellectual repudiation of Abrahamic theism, and with his broad commitment to scientific rationality. The two simplest, quite widely held, and basically incompatible answers to the first question deserve to be considered as important parts of the problem. According to Barry Popik, the saying was probably invented by James Bovard, in 1992. A summary of the latest media coverage for King's College London and Higher Education including headlines from national and international newspapers, specialist Can someone write my paper for me 04401 CEO. As with any business, the interests of the state are now precisely formalized as the maximization of long-term shareholder value. Among the things that ‘the talk' and ‘the counter-talk' share is a theatrical structure of pseudo-private conversation designed to be overheard. An egalitarian moral ideal, hardened into a universal axiom or increasingly incontestable dogma, completes modernity's supreme historical irony by making ‘tolerance' the iron criterion for the limits of (cultural) toleration. When someone is hurting, government has got to move declared ‘compassionate conservative' US President George W. Connect with Land Registry on blog.landregistry.gov.uk Connect with Land Registry on linkedin.com Land Registry: Wider Powers and Local Land Disabled people; When the ‘right' sounds like this it is not only dead, but unmistakably reeking of advanced decomposition. To comprehend the emergence of our contemporary predicament, characterized by relentless, totalizing, state expansion, the proliferation of spurious positive ‘human rights' (claims on the resources of others backed by coercive bureaucracies), politicized money, reckless evangelical ‘wars for democracy', and comprehensive thought control arrayed in defense of universalistic dogma (accompanied by the degradation of science into a government public relations function), it is necessary to ask how Massachusetts came to conquer the world, as Moldbug does. Not that these ‘sides' are racial (except in black or white tribal-nationalist fantasy). Peitzman's commentators are impeccably liberal, and of course uniformly, utterly, shatteringly appalled (to the point of orgasm). Changes in the instructions in developmental programs replaced changes in enzyme catalysts. Willing to pay someone to do your essay proficiently? Just ask us to write my essay for me and our dedicated writing team assist you speedily. These systems have greatly eased fears of a destitute old age, but multiple studies show that as social-security systems become more generous (and old age more secure), people have fewer children. Were this a partisan development, partisan politics of a democratic kind might sustain the possibility of reversion, but it is nothing of the kind. Democracy consumes progress. That is the magic of the dialectic, or of logical perversity. Anyone who expects conservatives to navigate this double-bind with political agility and grace must somehow have missed the late 20th century.

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Clannish values, of course, are bred in clans, such as those populating Britain's Celtic fringe and borderlands, where cousin marriage persisted, along with its associated socio-economic and cultural forms, especially herding (rather than farming), and a disposition towards extreme, vendetta-style violence. Techno-scientific auto-production specifically supplants the fixed and sacralized essence of man as a created being, amidst the greatest upheaval in the natural order since the emergence of eukaryotic life, half a billion years ago. Both of these positions are trapped at opposite sides of an incomplete circuit, structurally blinded to the culture of practical naturalism, which is to say: the techno-scientific / industrial manipulation of the world. Perhaps the most striking feature, however, was a marked cultural tendency to settle disagreements in space, rather than time, opting for territorial schism, separatism, independence, and flight, in place of revolutionary transformation within an integrated territory. Nature permits that ‘man' is, but never determines what man is. The Jews of 17th-century Amsterdam, or the Huguenots of 18th-century London, enjoyed the right to be left alone, and enriched their host societies in return. It's pushed away somewhere we don't have to think about it. Consider John Derbyshire's essay in infamy The Talk: Nonblack Version, focusing initially on its relentless obnoxiousness, and attentive to the negative correlation between sociability and objective reason. Even more than Equality-vs-Liberty, Voice-vs-Exit is the rising alternative, and libertarians are opting for voiceless flight. Are there irredeemable racists among Americans? Moldbug pounces, asking pointedly: What, exactly, is this Zeitgeist thing? As a liberal of problematic standing, Saletan has no choice but to recoil melodramatically from Derbyshire's stomach-turning conclusions, but his reasons for doing so are not consumed by his gastro-emotional crisis. The Diamond Level of membership represents the ideal EzineArticles Expert Author and is the highest level of authorship that can be obtained on EzineArticles. By cropping out all high-frequency feedback mechanisms (such as market signals), and replacing them with sluggish, infra-red loops that pass through a centralized forum of ‘general will', a radically democratized society insulates parasitism from what it does, transforming local, painfully dysfunctional, intolerable, and thus urgently corrected behavior patterns into global, numbed, and chronic socio-political pathologies. Integrative public debate always moves things to the left - that might not seem an especially difficult point to grasp, but to understand it is to expose the fundamental futility of mainstream conservatism, and that is in almost nobody's interest, so it will not be understood. Darwinists, and especially modern neodarwinists, equate evolution to the operation of a simple logical principle, one that is prior to biology: Evolution is merely the Darwinian principle of natural selection in action, and this is what the science of evolution is about. Write my paper reviews 0n life extension supplements If the facts do not agree with the theory, so much worse for the facts Hegel asserted. One that saw itself as recovering from democracy, much as Eastern Europe sees itself as recovering from Communism? Reactionary regression smells of strange fruit. This facilitates the complete abstraction of hate from criminality, whereupon it takes the form of ‘hate-speech' or simply ‘hate' (which is always to be contrasted with the ‘passion', ‘outrage', or righteous ‘anger' represented by critical, controversial, or merely abusive language directed against unprotected groups, social categories, or individuals). It might be unwarranted to believe in leprechauns, but at least the person who holds to such a belief isn't watching them not exist, for every waking hour of the day. Hence the trend to separation. Furthermore, unlike a renaissance, there is no need for an enlightenment to recall what was lost, or to emphasize the attractions of return. These were not a Cartesian construct or formula aimed at social engineering, but a shield to protect the people from the government. Even the most wild-eyed fanatics of the neo-puritan orthodoxy have trouble getting genuinely excited about them (although abortion activists get close). Remain in reverse until the Great Society / Civil Rights era and the warnings reach hysterical pitch. How was it ever possible to be a Whig? The purposes of the Cathedral are served nonetheless, through promotion of a synthetic secularism that separates the progressive faith from its religious foundations, whilst directing attention away from the ethnically specific, dogmatic creedal content at its core. Beyond Hitler it is impossible to go, or think. Asking politicians to limit their own powers is a non-starter, but nothing less heads even remotely in the right direction. Civilization, as a process, is indistinguishable from diminishing time-preference (or declining concern for the present in comparison to the future). It's as hard to imagine Universalism without the State as malaria without the mosquito.. Evolution then wrapped the self-replicating genomes within self-replicating organisms to control the way that life would respond to the winds of selection from the environment. Gov-corp would concentrate upon running an efficient, attractive, vital, clean, and secure country, of a kind that is able to draw customers. Since the mid-20th century, the political intensity of the globalized world has streamed, almost exclusively, out of the cratered ash-pile of the Third Reich. Joanna Schroeder (writing at something called the Good Feed Blog) sought to extend the purge beyond Derbyshire, to include anybody who had not yet erupted into sufficiently melodramatic paroxysms of indignation, starting with David Weigel at Slate (who she doesn't know in real life, but in reading this piece, it seems you just might be a racist, pal). Captivated by King's appeal to constitutional and biblical traditionalism, by his rejection of political violence, and by his uninhibited paeans to freedom, American conservatism gradually came to identify with his dream of racial reconciliation and race blindness, and to accept it as the true, providential meaning of its own most sacred documents. Temporal failure is the sign of spiritual election (Marxo-Calvinism), and to dispute any of this is clearly ‘hate'. Neo-secessionists are all around us.. Besides, disaster can strike anyone. Actually, it likes idiots, treats them with apparent kindness, and does everything it can to manufacture more of them. In other words, Europe's pension system may have set in motion the very demographic decline that helped make that system-and some European governments-insolvent. Splitting, or fleeing, is all exit, and (non-recuperable) anti-dialectics. The war on poverty creates a chronically dysfunctional underclass. That little boy in the Andersen story about the Emperor's new clothes? Fleeing it approaches an ultimate imperative. Within the academy, the media, even the fine arts, political super-saturation has prevailed, identifying even the most minuscule elements of apprehension with conflictual ‘social critique' and egalitarian teleology. Google is overkill. The right moves to the center, and the center moves to the left. If an individual's test results are known, for instance, no additional insight is provided by statistical inferences about the test results that might have been expected based on group profiling. Social disintegration of the urban center has driven an exodus of the (even moderately) prosperous to suburban and exurban refuges, producing a grotesque and historically unprecedented pattern of ‘donut'-style development, with cities tolerating - or merely accommodating themselves to - ruined and rotting interiors, where sane people fear to tread. Agreement, agreeableness, count for nothing. Even amongst libertarian-slanted conservatives, a firm commitment to ‘natural rights' is unlikely to proceed confidently and emphatically to their divine origination. In residential housing too, it's the same thing. As with the pre-founding migration, what gives white flight ineluctable relevance here is its sub-political character: all exit and no voice. Scientific utterance is screened for conformity to a progressive social agenda, whose authority seems to be unaffected by its complete indifference to scientific integrity. A century after the joyous daybreak of emancipation from slavery, King declares, the Negro still is not free. The Cathedral incarnates these lessons. Of course sincerity, or even minimal cognitive coherence, is not remotely the issue here. Was it for carrying iced tea and a bag of Skittles while black (the media and community activist approved, ‘son Obama might have had' version), for scoping out burglary targets (the Kluxer racial profiling version), or for breaking Zimmerman's nose, knocking him over, sitting on top of him, and smashing his head repeatedly against the sidewalk (to be decided in court)? Sometimes, in its impatient passion for progress, this message can trip over itself, because even though the agents of the Cathedral are infinitely reasonable, they are ever less sensible, often strikingly incompetent, and prone to making mistakes. The more intellectually substantive aspect of this over-reach into gratuitous incivility have been examined by William Saletan and Noah Millman, who make very similar points, from the two sides of the liberal/conservative divide. It is certainly necessary to any such definition. That is because the crucial unspoken term, both in Derbyshire's now-notorious short article, and also - apparently - in the responses it generated, is ‘white flight'. When defensive projections are added (We're not hoodlums, you're racists or We're not racists, you're hoodlums), the potential for super-heated, non-synthesizing dialectics approaches the infinite. Believe, that is, not only that a formal expectation of equal treatment is a prerequisite for civilized interaction, but that any revealed deviation from substantial equality of outcome is an obvious, unambiguous indication of oppression?

For politicians, however, who identify and promote themselves as the voice of the unheard and the ignored, the self-interest at stake could hardly be more obvious. When communities resist an influx of Section 8 housing-voucher holders from the inner city, say, they are reacting overwhelmingly to behavior. Liberals are baffled and infuriated that poor whites vote Republican, yet voting on tribal grounds is a feature of all multi-ethnic democracies, whether [in] Northern Ireland, Lebanon or Iraq. Evolution literally means to unfold and what is unfolding is the capacity to evolve. Because the Cathedral has a consistent ideological orientation, and sifts its enemies accordingly, comparatively detached scientific appraisal of the SSSM easily veers into raw antagonism. The ‘conservative agenda' cannot ever be dreamy (hopeful and inconsistent) enough to escape accusations of racism - that's intrinsic to the way the racial dialectic works. Democracy is to liberty as Gargantua to a pie (Surely you can see that we love liberty, to the point of gut-rumbling and salivation..). Obnoxiousness has yet to be liberated, although it's probable that the Internet will ‘help'.. Moreover, that process is ontological. I. Here is a response I got on Facebook to yesterday's essay. I will admit I do not, exactly, know what to do. But I do have a call to action I've been meaning to Do my homework for me 2 u earrings
I call Universalism, which is a nontheistic Christian sect. America's racial ‘original sin' was foundational, dating back before the birth of the United States to the clearing of aboriginal peoples by European settlers, and - still more saliently - to the institution of chattel slavery. The Universalist creed, with its reflex identification of inequality with injustice, can conceive no alternative to the proposition that the lower one's situation or status, the more compelling is one's claim upon society, the purer and nobler one's cause. Communism is the universal implication.

If to embrace Hitler as God is a sign of highly lamentable politico-spiritual confusion (at best), to recognize his historical singularity and sacred meaning is near-mandatory, since he is affirmed by all men of sound faith as the exact complement of the incarnate God (the revealed anti-Messiah, or Adversary), and this identification has the force of ‘self-evident truth'. For crude stereotypes, it is far more useful to turn to the principal political dimension, and its categories of ‘liberal' and ‘conservative' in the contemporary, American sense. What is war? Enlightenment is not only a state, but an event, and a process. Beyond the emoting, Peitzman doesn't offer much content, excepting only a little extra emoting - this time mild satisfaction mixed with residual rage - at the news that Derbyshire's punishment has at least begun (a step in the right direction) with his canning from the National Review. For some real red meat, with the nerves exposed and writhing to jolts of hard stimulation, it makes far more sense to turn to another discarded and ceremonially abominated block on the progressive lineage: White Identity Politics, or (the term Moldbug opts for) ‘white nationalism'. Yet the liberal-progressive solution to the race problem - open-endedly escalating, comprehensively systematic, dynamically paradoxical ‘anti-racism' - confronts a real obstacle that is only very partially reflected in conservative attitudes, rhetoric, and ideology. More on voting with your feet (and the incandescent genius of Moldbug), next.. The empirical credibility of democratic advancement is far more perplexing, and also genuinely complex (which is to say controversial, or more precisely, worthy of a data-based, rigorously-argued controversy). Race is everything and nothing. When seen from the bionic horizon, whatever emerges from the dialectics of racial terror remains trapped in trivialities. For instance, on an average day, there are roughly 3,400 violent crimes, including 40 murders, 230 rapes, 1,000 robberies, and 2,100 aggravated assaults, alongside 25,000 non-violent property crimes (burglaries and thefts). To be sure. They come in all colors, and we should deplore all of them. Stapling the two together, however, is a simple, ever more irresistible conclusion: liberty has no future in the Anglophone world outside the prospect of secession. Don't want to write my paper 45 records Whilst this might not be quite sufficient to define a civilized society, it comes extremely close. The moral coherence of the Union cause required that the founders were reconceived as politically illegitimate white patriarchal slave-owners, and American history combusted in progressive education and the culture wars. If independence is the ideology of slave-holders, emancipation requires the programmatic destruction of independence. According to the rising creed, welfare attained through progeny and savings is non-universal, and thus morally-benighted. It is first necessary to understand this entanglement in its full, mind-melting weirdness, before exploring its lessons.

This is neither hereditarian determinism, nor social constructivism, but it is what both would have referred to, had they indicated anything real. All that remains unfinished is the mythological consolidation, and that has long been underway. Or denied that, in these words, reason and evidence are explicitly set aside, to make room for principles of faith? That's the final building block of white nationalist grievance, the werewolf curse that means it can only ever be a monster. Inbreeding, in contrast, creates a selective environment favoring tribal collectivism, extended systems of family loyalty and honor, distrust of non-relatives and impersonal institutions, and - in general - those ‘clannish' traits which mesh uncomfortably with the leading values of (Eurocentric) modernity, and are thus denounced for their primitive ‘xenophobia' and ‘corruption'. David Graeber: It strikes me that if one is going to pursue this to its logical conclusion, the only way to have a genuinely democratic society would also be to abolish capitalism in this state. Given the rise of this really ugly bug to world dominion, it might seem strange to pick on tangential figure such as Dawkins, but Moldbug selects his target for exquisitely-judged strategic reasons. To cast doubt upon its scale and scope is to simultaneously dispute the sanctity of its purpose, and the moral-spiritual necessity that it command whatever resources, and impose whatever legal restraints, may be required to effectively fulfill it. There is no essential difference between learning what we really are and re-defining ourselves as technological contingencies, or technoplastic beings, susceptible to precise, scientifically-informed transformations. The effect is subtly, yet distinctly, menacing, and Derbyshire is too well-trained, algebraically, to be excused from noticing it. The story of Exodus is exit, the War of Independence is exit, and the emancipation from slavery is exit, especially when this is exemplified by the Underground Railroad and the model of self-liberation, escape, or flight. Does it matter that Derbyshire requests the extension of civility to any individual black (rather than to ‘black individuals')? Rather, it is only on second thought, upon regarding secession as an integral part of any bottom-up strategy, that the task of a liberal-libertarian revolution appears less than impossible, even if it still remains a daunting one. Quite clearly, this irresponsible and negligent imperative is politically intolerable. This intrinsically technological character of (modern) science demonstrates the efficiency of culture as a complex natural force. Get someone write my paper 8 5 x 14 Universalism, in my opinion, is best described as a mystery cult of power.. Stagger back in imagination before 2008, and the fraught whisper of conscience is already questioning your prejudices against Kenyan revolutionaries and black Marxist professors. If the world was built out of ideology, this story would already be over, or at least predictably programmed. Moldbug is already citing Dawkins, citing Thomas Huxley..in a contest which is to be carried out by thoughts and not by bites. The Constitution is primarily a structural and procedural document that itemizes who is to exercise power and how they are to exercise it. It is considered simply obvious that cities have ‘bad areas' that are not merely impoverished, but lethally menacing to outsiders and residents alike. Comprehensive crisis and disintegration offers the best odds (most realistically as a sub-theme of option #1). He recommends group calculations instead of taking the trouble to learn about the person standing in front of you. It was not only that George Zimmerman had black ancestry - making him simply ‘black' by the left's own social constructivist standards - he had also grown up amicably among black people, with two African-American girls as part of the household for years, had entered into joint business venture with a black partner, he was a registered Democrat, and even some kind of ‘community organizer'.. This note was a promise that all men - yes, black men as well as white men - would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Once the universe of democratic corruption is converted into a (freely transferable) shareholding in gov-corp. Could anything be less scientific than such a declaration, or more indifferent to the criteria of genuinely universal reasoning? Moldbug calls it the Cathedral. The Web's First in Quality Academic Essay Writing Service! Welcome to Essaybox.org, We pay them well and they deliver the goods. Essaybox.org! You made my day. As liberal decency has severed itself from intellectual integrity, and exiled harsh truths, these truths have found new allies, and become considerably harsher.
Within hours he's back at the keyboard, apologizing for his previous insouciance, and for the fact he never ended up saying the obvious: People, the essay was disgusting. It should be noted immediately, in contradistinction to Marxist principles of social analysis, that this is not the ‘capitalist bourgeoisie'. Democracy and ‘progressive democracy' are synonymous, and indistinguishable from the expansion of the state. This cussedness, pursued to its limit, tends to a hill-billy stereotype set in a shack or rusting trailer at the end of an Appalachian mountain path, where all economic transactions are conducted in cash (or moonshine), interactions with government agents are conducted across the barrel of a loaded shotgun, and timeless anti-political wisdom is summed in the don't-tread-on-me reflex: Get off my porch. As the spirit of reaction digs its Sith-tentacles into the brain, it becomes difficult to remember how the classical (or non-communist) progressive narrative could once have made sense. As a microcosmic model for the death of the West, playing out in real time, the Greek story is hypnotic. No surprise that over 30 years of EU membership Greeks have been eagerly cooperating with a social-engineering mega-project that strips out all short-wave social signals and re-routes feedback through the grandiose circuitry of European solidarity, ensuring that all economically-relevant information is red-shifted through the heat-death sump of the European Central Bank. he will be the first sitting American president to do hackers delete your computer's drive unless you pay them a fee in iTunes gift cards. Yahoo The only thing that was really clear when legal proceedings began, beyond the squalid sadness of the episode, was that it was not resolving anything. The further American conservatism departed from the Masonic rationalism of the founders, in the direction of biblical religiosity, the more indistinguishable its faith became from a Black American experience, mythically articulated through Exodus, in which the basic framework of history was an escape from bondage, borne towards a future in which all of God's children - black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics - will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: ‘Free at last! For all regimes, growth expectations assume moderately competent population, otherwise go straight to (4). At its most abstract and all-encompassing, the liberal-progressive racial dialectic abolishes its outside, along with any possibility of principled consistency. Pay someone write my paper cheap disney vacations Global modernization is re-invigorated from a new ethno-geographical core, liberated from the degenerate structures of its Eurocentric predecessor, but no doubt confronting long range trends of an equally mortuary character. Look, I'm not saying that Hitler was a particularly nice guy.. Indeed, it is widely accepted within the accursed ‘community' itself that most of those stubborn and awkward enough to educate themselves on the topic of human biological variation are significantly ‘socially retarded', with low verbal inhibition, low empathy, and low social integration, resulting in chronic maladaptation to group expectations. Political agents invested with transient authority by multi-party democratic systems have an overwhelming (and demonstrably irresistible) incentive to plunder society with the greatest possible rapidity and comprehensiveness. It is the Zeitgeist that is God, historically incarnated in the state, trampling mere data back into the dirt. Dawkins isn't merely an enlightened modern progressive and implicit radical democrat, he's an impressively credentialed scientist, more specifically a biologist, and (thus) a Darwinian evolutionist. Whiteness' (whether conceived biologically, mystically, or both) is associated with vulnerability, fragility, and persecution. Don't believe it? Dear Auntie, I have a boy problem but I am completely lost on what to do or where to go. There is a boy, we'll call " M," who I met in university. Despite McArdle's ridiculous suggestion that the United States of America has in some way exempted itself from Europe's mortuary path, the broad outline of the diagnosis is clear, and increasingly accepted as commonsensical (although best ignored). Visitors are warned to stay away, whilst locals do their best to transform their homes into fortresses, avoid venturing onto the streets after dark, and - especially if young and male - turn to criminal gangs for protection, which further degrades the security of everybody else. How could a historical and political figure ever be invested with the transcendent dignity of absolute religious meaning? A rationally indefensible, but socially inevitable, reification of group profiles is psychologically normal - even ‘human' - with the result that noisy, non-specific, statistical information is erroneously accepted as a contribution to self-understanding, even when specific information is available.

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